Fundamentals of Prayer
There are more ways to communicate with people than I care to know about. Way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth we used to write letters to one another. Then came the phone and not that long ago we were introduced to the cell phone. With the cell phone came texting. And now, there are all kinds of communication tools at our fingertips. There are Facebook Messenger, What's App, BeReal, Linked In, Teams, Slack, Jabber, and probably another half dozen options I have either tried to forget or don't know about (which is fine by me).
With time, technology has changed the way we communicate. But there's one form of communication that hasn't changed and that's prayer. We don't need a device, the internet, or wifi. We can talk to God anytime or anywhere. Anyone can do it, and God is always available whenever we reach out. Very cool!
On Sunday, we will look at some of the fundamentals of prayer that Jesus tells about in the book of Mark. I'm looking forward to sharing with you and trust that our prayer lives will be enriched through the teaching of God's Word.
Steve Perry