Lunch with a Bunch

Thank you to all our beloved seniors whose presence, laughter, and stories made our gathering truly unforgettable.A huge shoutout to our amazing volunteers for providing soulful music and delicious food. Thank you for being a blessing to our church family!

Sandy Campbell shares the highlights of the event:

“On Tuesday, our 55plus seniors met for a delightful time together. We feasted on delicious homemade soups and desserts and enjoyed Lori Froese and Martin Ishkanian as they shared from their lives. Lori gave us wonderful insights into past years at KGF and Martin shared his experience of being new to KGF.

We were blessed to hear how the Lord guided and sustained them in their life journeys. We sang hymns as we rejoiced in God's faithfulness and constant presence in our lives. We are grateful that many filled out our questionnaire. It has clarified our vision for our group.

We will look for opportunities to implement many of the suggestions received. Our music will be more varied as we move forward."

Sandy Campbell plans 55plus seniors gatherings to meet on the last Tuesday of each month at noon at KGF until the end of May. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Tuesday, March 26th for a time of fellowship, food and fun. Details for the registration will be available soon.


A&W Community Group 


Coldest Night of the Year