Meet Ruth Walper

Ruth has been making a positive impact as our front office volunteer since 2018, and she shares her volunteer journey in our front office;

"I have volunteered many times off and on for the office since Pearl got me started in the fall of 2018.

I enjoy talking to people that come in and call in. I also prepare a monthly newsletter for older people and for shut ins. If you know of someone who would benefit from this, let me know at and I will add them to the mailout. This newsletter has a summary of the Sunday services and highlights events that may be of interest to these congregants. When there are special events, I help with mailouts and sometimes preparation. There are often other things that need to be done too. Monday mornings, I restock the pews, gather up items that belong in the garbage, and put lost items in the lost and found. When we are short of kitchen help, I often clean up and put away dishes.

I enjoy serving in this way. If you would like to join me, I would love to show you where things are and what needs to be done. Sarah is also an awesome manager."

Ruth Walper

We are looking for another volunteer to join Ruth! She is eager to guide you through responsibilities and duties at KGF. Please provide a resume and 2 references to Sarah at


Coldest Night of the Year


Happy New Year from the KGF Staff!